Public Comment

Share your voice at the next Mountain Line meeting! Participate by email, virtually, or in person. Public comment tips below


Use the prefilled text below, add your comments, or change it to share why you support a fare-free Mountain Line!


Sign up to receive a link to virtually share a public comment at the next Board of Directors meeting.

In person

When: February, 21 2024 at 10:00 AM
Where: Mountain Line VERA Room, 3773 N Kaspar Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Put it on your calendar and show up!

Public comment tips

  1. You will be limited to 3 minutes, so keep it short and sweet!
  2. Start by addressing the Board as a whole or each individual: “Good morning Mountain Line Board of Directors. Thank you for giving me this time to speak.”
  3. Be upfront: “I am here today to share my support for a fare-free Mountain Line Bus system”
  4. Add a personal reason or story: “I care about our planet, and a fare-free bus system would help the environment by reducing gas emissions”
  5. Finish with the ask & another thank you: “Will you join us and make Mountain Line Bus fare-free? Thank you”

3) Volunteer

4) Organization Sign-Up